[i LOVE SUCKiNG COCK] v1 MAROON FLORAL DRESS 2025-01-23 1920x1080 - 8min - 298 MB - $9.99
[i LOVE SUCKiNG COCK] v1 MAROON FLORAL DRESS - This was the FiRST TiME I have been filmed giving head. Just like my FiRST nude photos I was scared and a little hesitant. So I had a glass of red wine and just went for it. Literally. :) I was pretty NEW to sucking 6 months ago. Of course it happened but I have learned a lot and I am much better now. ;) I had never had CUM in my mouth before. I had met an older guy and he wasn't afraid to tell me what he wanted and how he liked it done. I wanted to please him so I listened and learned. I didn't want cum in my mouth but he wanted it so I wanted him do it. I was so WET and I was surprised that it didn't taste bad or weird. I sucked the cum out of his dick every day for a week after that and now I love it. Come and watch me. I get better all the time! ---> HiGHLiGHTs: I am on my knees between his legs / Minimal EDiTiNG, just the BLOWJOB start to FiNiSH! / CLEAR AUDiO, you can HEAR me SUCK! / he CUMs in my MOUTH / I PLAY with it and KEEP SUCKiNG - This is a VERTiCAL 9:16 Aspect Ratio Video - THANKs 4 supporting amateur PORN! muah, SUZiE SUNSHiNE
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