[BUZZZED] a LiTTLE RED WiNE on the PATiO 2024-02-28 1080x1920 - 7min - 588.2 MB - $6.99
[BUZZZED] a "LiTTLE" RED WiNE on the PATiO -- only $6.99 -- If you KNOW me you KNOW i LiKE to have a DRiNK or TWO when we SHOOT PhotoSETs and ViDEOs. REALLY, i'm HAViNG a GOOD TiME and FiLMiNG it. FiLMiNG is FUN TOO. So this AFTERNOON started after a FUN BREAKFAST and I decided it was a GOOD DAY for RED WiNE. It's SANGRiA-esque. MANGO slices with fresh PASSiON FRUiT JUiCE and WiNE. This is a RECiPE for a GOOD TiME. The TiTLE says "a little" but it was a LiTTLE MORE than that as you can see in the thumbnail. Don't WORRY i'm OVER 21 and i know what i'm DOiNG. ;D ---> HiGHLiGHTs: TiGHT, short RED DRESS no PANTY upSKiRTs / FUN & NAUGHTY BUZZZED shaved GRANDMA. -- 9:16 Aspect RATiO OPTiMiZED for PHONEs & TABLETs
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