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Ass Shaking and Big Tits with Buddah
1920x1080 - 5min - 129.0 MB - $5.99

Watch me shake my ass, give you a POV lap dance and show you my big dd tits.

Buy Now $3.59 -


Consensual Blackmail
1920x1080 - 9min - 161.4 MB - $14.99

This extraction/task is easy. Anyone can do it. Will it scare you little? Knowing I have total and all power over you will excite and scare you all at the same time. Yes- this task is simple? Why do I want you to do it? That doesn't really matter. Do it. Send it. Play my game of consensual blackmail now. Take an exhilarating , adrenaline rushing, heart pounding trip with me. Blackmail is fun. right? Yes it is all fun and games - as long as you keep me happy. When will I flip the script on you? When will YOU have to worry about hearing and seeing YOUR OWN name on my hitlist? Don't think about that right now. Look at my tits. Look at my body. Don't think. Just send. 1 month of hush money is included in this clip price. You're welcome.

Buy Now $8.99 -


Ghostly Gooning-a Jerk Off Instruction & Cock Teas
1920x1080 - 13min - 257.2 MB - $13.99

Everyone love Halloween. You get to dress up and become anyone you want to be. Lose yourself for me. Listen to my sexy voice and hear my every single move and word as I tease that spooky cock of yours. There is no background music, no sound effects, just the sound of me whispering in your ear. 
Yearning for you , Encouraging you to stroke for me. I grind, tease and show you my enticing body. You will feel like I am right here with you. Find a dark room and put in headphones or your favorite listening device. I am going to give you the ultimate gooning experience. Watch this, pump that dick and cum. Now repeat. Gooners don’t just come once. You are going to do nothing other than look at your screen and rub that cock raw.

Buy Now $8.39 -


Pussy Aversion Brainjack for Faggots
1920x1080 - 12min - 469.3 MB - $12.99

You are transforming. Changing. Becoming an entirely new person with this clip. You tiny brain is going to be turned off and you will absorb every last word I am saying. You will not want pussy ever again. You will not even think about it. I am training your brain to only think about being gay. Becoming more gay than you ever thought imaginable. Look at my big tits, my long legs and peek at my beautiful pussy through a pair of sheer panties as I grind and move sensually to trigger you. Trigger you to become hard as you think about another big dick. Buckle up faggot, you're in for a ride today....a ride to your new destination of being totally gay.

Buy Now $7.79 -


Blackmail-Fantasy Bonanza HITLIST
1920x1080 - 12min - 262.5 MB - $17.99

WARNING: FULL NAME REVEAL This clip will include an automatic hush money fee. ALL blackmail-bitches need to consider this clip mandatory and contact me as soon as you finish viewing. Tick Tock...time starts now ! Today is the day. The day you have anticipated and anxiously awaited to be on the receiving end of your repercussions for giving in to my blackmail-fantasy game. It did start out as only a game for you, but I began accumulating compromising photos and videos of you. Some of you had to even do public tasks and send me proof. Maybe it has been month...maybe it has been even years since you sent me all of this incriminating things. Guess what? WHEN you sent them doesn't matter at all. Not one iota. I keep ALL of your emails, photos, videos and anything else I make you do in my secret blackmail-fantasy stash and you would not believe the huge pile of blackmail-bitches I have gathered over all my time here on the internet. You are not safe. You will be exposed-fantasy. Play time is over and your day of judgement is upon you…and…I am the judge... There are SO many types of blackmail-fantasy : panty wearing, consequential, home wrecking, risky, tame... It doesn't matter what KIND you did. I still have your information and more importantly I have all of the right peoples contact info ( I can find anyone on social media now ) and your world will be crumbling if you don't do as I say when you contact me. I am waiting to hear from you as soon as I see you have gotten this clip. Yes. I know when you get it.

Buy Now $10.79 -


Obey-Swallow-Goon Trifecta
1920x1080 - 14min - 324.1 MB - $14.99

Goon you fucking loser. You are nothing and all you ever do is spend your time here on the internet looking at beautiful women like me while we drain you of your every pathetic dollar. You are going to watch this clip. Stroke that useless dick of yours and then you are going to guzzle down every last drop of your useless beta dick juice. The very last thing this world needs is for your disgusting sperm to get near any pussy and run the risk of reproducing. Nobody wants another loser like you here breathing the same air as beautiful Alpha females. I flip you off, flash the loser symbol and degrade you while telling you to stroke. I don't want you to stroke for satisfaction. Instead you are stroking as an act of degradation and humiliation. Now be a good little loser and make sure you tip me

Buy Now $8.99 -


Caged-Denied and Trained
1920x1080 - 15min - 255.6 MB - $15.99

You are a loser. Getting any pussy at all has always been such a hard, unattainable task for you. You are a beta gimp that is rejected and denied over and over again. Give up. Lock your useless, flaccid, undesirable cock away. Lock it up and give me the key because you are better off having an experienced key holder managing your useless thing between your legs. Look at me. Ouch- you feel that cock growing don't you? That is what caged, chastised loser feel. The pain of denial. Even if you have never thought of chastity before, you will after this clip. I have punishment ready to hand out to all of the losers. Not just the useless chastity bitches. I give you an example of just what I WILL make you do if you dare to think you are bold enough to talk back to me or even be short with me. I will make YOU live like a puppy like I have my loser slaves in the past. I will humiliate you. Make you send me photos and videos that you know I will be laughing at with all of my friends. Pussy? No. not for you. You are nothing but a pussy free, chastity cuck pup now. Show you appreciation loser: tip $10.00 now.

Buy Now $9.59 -


Grab Your Cock Faggot
1920x1080 - 15min - 226.7 MB - $15.99

Your days of possibly being bi sexual are not numbered. They are over. You are gay. You may catch a games of pussy or a big pair of tits, but it isn't a beautiful woman that you will be thinking of while you stroke that gay dick of yours. This whole "turning gay" started out as something lighthearted and fun. Now you are addicted. Spiring deeper and deeper into the life of a faggot. You are turning absolutely gay and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Your tendencies will get stronger and stronger as each day goes by. Allow your mind to absorb my words like a sponge. Penetrate your faggot soul deep. My trigger words and beautiful body gives you no choice. No option. You WILL be gay by the end of this clip.

Buy Now $9.59 -


Watch Me Get Fucked Premature Ejaculator
1920x1080 - 16min - 6.4 MB - $16.99

We both know that you have been useless to me for some time now. You do to satisfy me and today I am telling you exactly how your new life is going to be. You are the last person any woman would want for a lover. You are a pathetic premature ejaculator and now it is time for you to live a pathetic premature ejaculators life. I am going to be fucking other men. They will be big, strong Alpha males with big, thick, long dicks that can fuck me for hours. We both know that is something you have always lacked in. There will be no need for secrets. This will be the ONLY way our marriage will work. I will let you watch me get fucked for hours. You are going to be there watching how a real man satisfies a woman. And the worst part? You are not even going to be allowed to stoke that useless dick of yours. Welcome to your new life of cuckolding. Now you are more than just a pathetic premature ejaculator. Now you are a pathetic, useless cucky minute man too!

Buy Now $10.19 -


Sissy Graduation Task & Assignment
1920x1080 - 16min - 245 MB - $16.99

Attention all sissy -wanna-be's ! Your time is now. You have done so well playing dress up, wearing girlie panties and wearing that bright red lipstick out in public when you have been told to do so. You have grown and blossomed into femininity in a way that you never thought would be possible. Now the time is here for you to graduate. Graduate to the elite group of TOP Sissies. You will be OFFICIAL SISSY MATERIAL if you are able to do this task I tell you to do today. What is it that I can possibly be asking /demanding of you ? This lesson is very important and you can not move up in class unless you complete the task that I tell you to in this clip. You will be given basic instructions in this clip and will then have to follow through if you REALLY want to be an OFFICIAL GRADUATE of our Sissy program. Although you MAY graduate, that will not be the end of your feminization. You will continue on your sissy path while knowing YOU have graduated Sissy Class with flying colors!

Buy Now $10.19 -


Report for Duty Fag
19201x1080 - 12min - 206.8 MB - $17.99

It's time to report for duty faggot ! Not all of your assignments are fun and easy. This time you will listen closely to me and follow every last instruction that I give to you. We begin by talking briefly about your past and why it is best that you just become a complete homosexual. Your days of chasing pussy are over. Null and Void. Down. Now you are turning into a complete faggot for me. Do not question. Do not deny. Just do as you are told like a good faggy fag does. All fags must pay a mandatory FAGEFEE. Why? Because you need to thank me for enlightening you to this whole new experience of cocks, cock sucking, cock fucking, gay gang bangs and all of the slutty things that a cock whore like yourself is going to be getting! Time for duty Fag!!! Your fee is included in your purchase price when purchased on SC.

Buy Now $10.79 -


Premature Ejaculator Challenge
1920x1080 - 12min - 189.5 MB - $12.99

Are you ready? You will lose control of your cock and become my premature ejaculator master. I want YOU to be my premature ejaculator. I am going to teach you to become a total premature ejaculator for me. You will have one after the other quick cummer challenge in this clip that I make for you and each challenge will be progressively more difficult that the last. You will be an even bigger premature ejaculator one step at a time. You will cum fast. And then you will cum even faster. You will be close to a one pump chump by the time I am finished with you. My training clips are more than just simple timed countdowns. You have warmups, masturbatory interruptions ( hands off) and techniques to practice. I encourage you to jerk off through the entire clip and playfully and gently humiliate you becalming you just what you are. Tip at checkout to contribute extra and show your support of this training course:

Buy Now $7.79 -


Non-Strategic Blackmail-Fantasy HitList
1920x1080 - 15min - 445.3 MB - $15.99

There is no way that you can strategize your way out if this blackmail-fantasy hitlist. If you have EVER played blackmail-fantasy then you ARE in trouble today. You have always known that you stood the chance of being outed one day. Exposed-fantasy to the whole wide world, to everyone here on the Internet. Your deepest secrets and embarrassing situations may be put out there for everyone to see. Your life will never be the same again. Not after they have seen this side of you. They will never be able to look you in the eye or even look at you with a straight face when I know about the true you. Keeping me happy is quite a tedious task and your life balances in the palm of my hand. Too bad for you I woke up in a bad mood and you are going to get the brunt of that today. What will you do you to keep your secret? What is it worth to you? Did you really think this through? Probably not. Do you have regrets? Yes. Can you change anything? No. It's way too late for that. It's time for you to pay the price for playing with Alpha females like myself. Follow the instructions in this clip and do exactly as I say. That will be the only way that I may keep your secret longer...notice that I said MAY. You may want to play it safe by using the mark up codes at check out. Who knows ,maybe your kindness will actually go far with me. More than likely it won't

Buy Now $9.59 -


Humiliation Mind Fuck
1920x1080 - 7min - 433.7 MB - $17.99

I am fucking your brain really hard today. This clip is guaranteed to turn your tiny little brain to mush. My words always tear you to shreds, yet you can not wait to hear them again. You are fucked. Figuratively speaking of course. We both know that you will never get real pussy. Not a loser like you. Give up now and save yourself a lot of time and disappointment. Losers like you get rejected over and over again. Nobody want to have sex with a wimpy beta loser like you. You are vulnerable and weak. All losers are basically virgins and pathetic virgin beta's will feel especially picked on.You are a total waste of my time and you will be paying me for allowing you to hear my words. Today you are going to be paying a fucking LOSERSTAX (just a measly $10) to watch this clip. It is automatically added to the price of this clip. That fact alone will prove that I have complete and total control over you and your pathetic life. I am not even giving you the choice. No option here.

Buy Now $10.79 -


Bad Bad Sissy
1920x1080 - 15min - 252.5 MB - $15.99

I am pissed at you. You hate it and feel so badly when you know that I am upset with you. I told you what would happen if you ever dropped the ball. I told you that I can expose all of your clips and photos to everyone if you didn’t keep me happy. You had simple assignments. Simple tasks. All you had to do was send me proof! Am I talking about you? Yes. You know that I am. This is your notice. Your notice to follow the instructions in this clip and send me proof in order for me to keep your girlie, sissy, slutty just between us.
Otherwise I will be sending your beautiful sissy pics to the whole rest of the world and posting them to all of my social media platforms and websites. Don’t think that I have forgotten about that special someone either. Remember I have their contact info and will be getting in touch with them too ! Keeping your dirty slutty sissy secret doesn’t always mean that you have to pay me money, but if I were you O would choose one of the markup codes at checkout to play it safe. You must send proof or you DO NOT get credit !Good luck sissy whore!

Buy Now $9.59 -


1 Week of Sissy Assignments
1920x1080 - 21min - 850.9 MB - $21.99

Sparkle and Shine because luck is shining upon you my little sissy fags ! You get an entire week of daily assignments and task to complete. You become as feminized a sissy can possibly be. You don't have a choice and ALL Sissies in Training MUST get this clip and send me proof ! This will let you spend an entire week with me guiding you down the path of sissiness.....gayness..... girliness.... Some assignments are easy while others push you out of the closet. Saying no is not an option and you will be the biggest sissy slut for me by the end of this week ! Public assignments-tasks-crossdressing assignments-proof required-interactive and so much more. Want to thank me for not adding any registration or participation fee? Use one of the following mark up codes or just give me a small tip:

Buy Now $13.19 -


Butt Slut
1920x1080 - 15min - 217.6 MB - $15.99

You know by now that you are my faggot,. It's time to teach you how to get fucked in the ass. Now bend over, fag! Anal isn't optional for homos. I'm going to turn you into a full-blown bottom bitch butt slut. Your task today will have you preparing that tight puckered asshole to get pounded. Get ready to have your homo hole defiled. You're about to undergo gay anal training. I'm going to get you ready to take it in the ass -- from the first finger penetrating your faghole, to the last inch of cock pounding you hard and fast, slow and deep, from every angle and position, to the last bit of cum sucked off of the cock that just pounded your filthy faghole into gaydom. That's right. Ass to mouth is mandatory for homos like you so you need to get familiar with it

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Blackmail Extraction
1920x1080 - 16min - 317.5 MB - $17.99

Is it out of respect that you don't talk about your ex ? No, it is because you know the havoc that will be brought down on you by your new "significant other" if or when you bring up someone from your past. Today I am going to get some information from you. I am going to ask you a few innocent questions that you must answer. Follow the instruction in this clip and provide me with ammunition to be held until I am ready to use it. Getting this clip will automatically put your name in my blackmail-fantasy hit list name draw game. YOU may get your name drawn and be exposed-fantasy.One day soon I am going to stir that p0t and pull out names. You can only hope that it won't be YOUR name that I call out on my blackmail-fantasy hit list on that day.

Buy Now $10.79 -


Blackmail Dares- do you dare play???
1920x1080 - 16min - 338.7 MB - $16.99

If you want to play my exposure-fantasy games, or potentially be shown off on one of my future hit lists, then you *must* do this task. It's mandatory. Do you dare? I will tell you up front: no you should not. But you will. You can't pass up the opportunity to stroke your dick and spill those secrets when I masturbate right in front of you and then tell you it's your turn. Stroke that cock and stare at my tits. Answer my questions and follow my instructions in this clip IF YOU DARE. This game could possibly get you into some really hot water if you're man enough to go through with the things that I tell you to do. We both know that you can't stop yourself. You love being my little blackmail-fantasy bitch don't you? Well this time you're going to step it up a notch… or two...

Buy Now $10.19 -


Blackmail Buy Out Option
1920x1080 - 2min - 257.3 MB - $9.99

Welcome to your only chance of acquiring a bl@ckmail safety net. Only this can save you from crashing and burning in the adrenaline racing game of bl@ckmail. Do you have regrets? Feel like you just can't handle the constant worry that coincides with all those dirty little secrets that I have on you coming out? Buying me out is your only option then. This video will explain everything you need to know. Pay this ONE TIME buyout option and your pictures, videos and all of that information I have stock piled in your bl@ckmail folder will be tucked away and safe from getting out. Remember this buyout option can only be used once !

Buy Now $5.99 -

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